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Buzz Your Update With Google Buzz

Thursday, December 2, 2010 | Labels: , | |

Buzz Your Update With Google Buzz

Have you tried Google Buzz! If you don't visit Google Buzz website to register yourself.

If you have use Twitter and Facebook, Google Buzz is a status updates facility combined with a Gmail. You can share your views publicly or privately to your friends. In fact, you can share articles, links, pictures and video with Google Buzz.

Another interesting facility is you can combine blog from that belong to websites updates thats can be display in the Google Buzz. Just select "Connected Sites" from Google Buzz options. You can also combine your updates from Twitter web site, Picasa, Flickr, and Google Reader.

Interesting ?

Register yourself and invite your friends to join and keep your personal information private and carefull with what you are going to update.

Your Google Buzz update can be view from your Google Profiles. Visit the link below to create your Google profile.

Your buzz can be view by click the Buzz tab and you can use RSS feed reader like Google Reader to view RSS feed.

Example for Google Buzz

Interest with others Buzzing with Google Buzz try Buzrr. Visit to view what others are buzzing.

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What is Google Buzz

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